Sunday, June 3, 2012


Exam's over! But time flies, I'm sure in a blink of an eye, another exam will be around the corner. Well, it's the reality, right?

Exam, are you studying for education? Or are you studying for knowledge? Listen here folks, education and knowledge ain't the same thing, y'know?

Education, in the past exam, many examples came across. People that cramp before the night, people who stayed up late, & people who set their alarms in the midnight to wake their ass up and munching dictionaries. -No Offense-. Cramp study, I've done that too, pretty much. Stayed up late, much impressed. Wake up in the midnight, greatly impressed. I really am wondering, doesn't that make you tired and less concentration in your papers? & so the marks were given, proving me wrong, they got the highest marks, greatly deeply marvelously impressed. They have extremely huge brain storage, able to sustain heavy eye bags & I call them god. Why do we need education? For a cert, a qualification,  for that piece of paper, a stepping stone for higher education, a man-made satisfaction. & yes, manage to get a good grip, you'll overtake pressure, if not, pressure overtakes you. But nowadays, people buys certs, what is the use of education now? While some places we can often see teachers feeding their students, so full they'll just spit it all out when it's exam. -Still, No Offense-

Knowledge, it's everywhere, down the street, across the road, under a roof, back in the alley... Knowledge is the basis in living, accumulating experience, what mom nags in our daily lives. It is said that our ancestors who discover mines & building castles, hunting wild boars have much more knowledge than the townspeople. They observe, discover, learn, understand, practice, teach. While people nowadays, left ear in, right ear out, wonderful and peaceful life, end of story. -Really, No Offense-

I might not be the one who bring home the A's, but I still have the right to voice out right?  Imagine how the future will be, memorizing the yellow page. Awesome disciplined people like overseas, lecturers there doesn't feed their students with upcoming exam tips, or according by chapters. They teach them how to study by our own, how to learn and observe.

The dreadful SPM year had arrived, god bless & good luck to all my friends surrounded by pressure, indecisive future lives & insomnia.


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